Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Parenting Vs. Over Parenting

With development of our country, the educated parents now a days are more vigilant and concerned towards their child’s mental and physical growth. Now they understand the importance of education and strive hard for making their child a competent individual in the upcoming future.A good parenting is indeed a necessary responsibility yet there is a thin line between parenting and over parenting. While loving and nurturing our children, we as parents sometimes forget our own individual lives and start taking their lives as our own. Giving our whole life to them is not the making of an ideal parent. Recently a friend of mine shared that his child who has just started with his play school, behaves in a stubborn way and can’t tolerate whenever his facilitator denies him anything. Then during the talk we have discussed that may be he is not habitual to these things at home and gets what he wants. While parenting we need to remember this fact that preparing your child to become independent is as necessary as providing them with protective environment to grow. Similarly, on the other day I was reading a psychology book in which Sigmund Freud earlier cautioned that too much parental love and affection turn their children into immature and dependent adults. Over parenting makes you a machine who is always monitoring the child, leaving no scope for doing mistakes and learn from them. Such children too often feel irritated and assessed all the time. Children with over parenting problems behave as a free bird the moment they are out of their parents’ sight. Sometimes, they even display contrary behavior at home and at school. Moreover, loving your child doesn’t mean always worrying for their well-being. Nurturing your own life will help you understand an individual’s need and helps you fulfill the communication gap between two of you. Instead of over parenting, become your child’s support system which is ready to accept their mistakes and always ready to discuss their problems. Hence, become your child’s best friend and nurture the spiritual bond between two of you.

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